WATER SPOTS SCREEN SAVER For Windows95 Version 1.1 ========================================================================= (C) 1995 Lee Lorenz LEGAL STUFF: This is "FreeWare" with one request... drop me a line via E-Mail or by postcard and tell me how you like it. ESPECIALLY if you are from overseas or something like that (Send the Postcard). The only other restriction for users is that these files be distributed in their entirety: WTRSPOTS.SCR WTRSPOTS.TXT MMWM32.DLL WAVEMIX.INI Lastly, for commercial uses, if this is placed on a CD-ROM, E-Mail me and make arrangements to send me a copy of the final CD-ROM which includes my saver. Well, my first Windows95 program. This one is a simple screen saver the turns your desktop into a "work of art". It looks much better with Hi/TrueColor displays, as it does not attempt to manipulate the palette in any way. ......................................................................... Installation: 1) Copy WTRSPOTS.SCR to your "win95\system" directory. 2) Copy the MMWM32.DLL to your "win95\system" directory 3) Copy the WAVEMIX.INI to your "win95" directory 4) Use the desktop properties to set it up. ......................................................................... Not much to say about the operation of it. Setting the Max Size simply limits the size of the "spots"- they range from 4x4 pixels to Max Size. The spots may be squares or circles. ......................................................................... This screen saver has been tested with Build 490 of Windows 95 and the Release version. ......................................................................... Be on the look out for more screen savers from me. I HAD hoped to have a package of savers out before the scheduled release of Windows 95, but my schedule didn't allow for that. I may also wait a little longer for the arrival of the DirectDraw toolkit, so I can put some really cool stuff out. There's a few other surprises I'm thinking about doing, but I'll only get myself into trouble if I mention them and can't follow through. Also, I'll be sure to feature the source code for this module in the package, but that will be a $$$ release. Sorry. For those interested in writing screen savers, you'll need the Win 95 SDK and look for "FRACTAL" in the samples. ......................................................................... SHAMELESS PLUG: My Screen saver made it into: VOODOO WINDOWS 95 From Ventana Press The book looks pretty good as a general guide for hints and tips to installing and running windows. I learned a few things on my first quick look at the book. Looks like US$24.95, includes only a floppy, though :( and comes with several other slick applications. It does have alot of info that never made it into any documentation I've ever seen for Windows 95. ......................................................................... Send Accolades (and bugs, if any) to: llorenz@tir.com KNOWN LIMITATIONS: -------- 1. Well, sometimes the cursor flickers in Screen Properties. I'm not sure why; this may have to do with multi-threading and the fact I grab the DC full time. 2. Cheap soundcard drivers may puke. I tested this on a REAL CHEAP driver/card, ThunderBoard, and had problems initially with the WaveMix routines. Now it does seem to work, though. - AND DON'T EVEN TRY WITH SPEAKER.DRV!!!! 3. The MMWM32.DLL *MUST* be in the system directory, even if you don't use sound. CHANGES: -------- 1.0A 7/03/95 Modified "drop" routine to use proper dithering on 256/16 color displays. 1.0B 7/15/95 Added wave file playback. Nice annoying "Popping" noise This should sufficiently drive any co-workers crazy {EVIL GRIN} 1.0C 7/23/95 Added WaveMix to the program. Since Microsoft was kind enough to put restrictions on distributing a re-compiled version of the DLL, but failed to make available the ACTUAL 32-bit DLL, I had to rename and recompile; which allows me to distribute it, according to their terms. 1.1 8/06/95 Final cleanup for release to the net. 1.2 9/09/95 Small glitch in display of dialog box. Some adjustments were required, as the dialog size changes on different systems (who'da thunk?) Also added the missing "About" Box. 1.3 9/18/95 Address Change: I now reside at tir.com... To do? -------- Nothing more that I can think of. If I include this in my package of screen savers, I'll add some of the standard goodies that will work across most of the savers.